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HomeFrench CoursePreparation workshops DELF & DALF

DELF/DALF exam preparation

       DELF levels A2 to B2

     4 weeks     12h (4x3h)      on site
    In this course, you will learn about the structure of the exam and what is expected of you. You'll also get hands-on practice on the various tests and skills tested.
    Preparation course is not a French language course, unlike intensive or afternoon group courses, in which you learn grammar, conjugation, vocabulary and so on. 
    This course requires literacy.
Get ready for the DELF or DALF exam by taking a specific course to help you acquire the methodology and practice for the DELF/DALF test.
Thanks to practice exercises in class and at home, as well as a blank tests, you'll gain the confidence you need to succeed.   
To give yourself the best chance of success, prepare actively over a four-week period corresponding to the four skills (oral comprehension, written comprehension, oral production, written production): generally on the 4 Mondays before the exam, from 1pm to 4pm.
Important: If the number of learners is inferior to 3 in a group of level, the number of hours will be reduced to 9hrs for 2 learners and 6 hrs for 1 learner.
There will be no group prep in July but you can contact us for private lessons.
Registration forms for November and December will be available later.  
     4 weeks     10hrs minimum      onsite
DALF levels C1 and C2 are quite demanding and each evaluated skill requires a substantial training time.
That's why the course lasts a minimum of 10 hours, with a considerable amount of homework as well.
    How register to prep course for DELF/DALF :
  • fill in the appropriate registration form, sign it and send it back to us per email together with the proof of payment
  • or come to the reception desk of the Alliance Française Annecy
Don't forget to register also in parallel to the DELF or DALF test you would like to sit.

Preparation workshops exams DELF/DALF

  • Pre-requisite: the level below the targeted level must be acquired
  • Where? At the Alliance Française in Annecy
For exams levels A2 to B2:
  • Small groups of 3 to 8 pupils maximum
  • Mondays from 1 to 4pm
  • 12 hours of preparation over the 4 weeks before the exam
  • Package price: 299€ (A2-B1-B2)
For exams levels C1 and C2:
  • Dates to be agreed (please register at least 6 weeks before the exam)
  • minimum 10 hours  
  • Package price: 615 €
120,00 €